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Wild violets i lawn

Wild violets are an invasive plant that can quickly spread throughout lawns, gardens and flower beds.

They can be difficult to remove but there are a few methods you can use to successfully get rid of them.

Keep on reading to get my best tips on how to remove wild violets from your lawn and prevent new growth in the future.

The best way to get rid of wild violets in the lawn is by using a broadleaf herbicide that contains Quinclorac or 2,4-D. These herbicides will effectively kill the weeds without harming the surrounding grass.

Identifying Wild Violets in Your Lawn

Identifying vild violets in your lawn is quite simple as these plants are relatively easy to spot. When looking for violets, you should look for heart-shaped leaves that usually have a deep green hue and smooth texture.

The flower petals will be purple or blue. Violets can grow in clusters or individually and are most commonly found in shady spots such as under trees or along the side of a structure.

If you see any violets growing in your lawn, it is important to remember that they reproduce quickly so you will need to take action to remove the weeds from your lawn.

How To Control Wild Violets In Your Lawn

Here’s our best tips on how to kill wild violets in your lawn:

1. Chemical Weed Killers

A broadleaf herbicide that contains Quinclorac is the most effective approach to kill wild violets. A great product that you can buy online is Quinclorac 75 DF Selective Herbicide from Quali-Pro.

If you have a larger area to cover, it is more convenient to mix the concentrates and apply them with a garden hose. Because wild violets are slow to die, multiple treatments may be necessary.

Treatments for wild violet are recommended to do in the fall when the plants are more receptive to herbicides.

2. Kill Violets With Vinegar

Using vinegar to kill wild violets is one of the most popular methods for removing them from lawns. Vinegar works by killing the green foliage on contact, so it’s important to really soak the leaves and stems with a solution of half water and half vinegar. For the best effect, use a vinegar that contains more than the standard 5 percent acetic acid.

In my experience this method works best when it’s applied on a sunny day when the weeds are actively growing. This will ensure that the vinegar is able to penetrate the leaves and stems, killing them off more quickly.

3. Remove by hand

One of the most time-consuming approaches to remove violets from your lawn is to do it manually. But if done correctly, it can be effective.

To make things easier, make sure to soak the area with water or wait for a light rain in order to soften the soil. Then, wait around half an hour before trying to pull out the violets. Grab the base of the main stem and pull straight up. Violets have shallow root systems which makes them relatively easy to take out of your grass.

4. Soap

Soap can be used to break down waxy or hairy weed surfaces, making them more susceptible to desiccants. To keep the solution on the leaves, add a few drops of liquid dish detergent to vinegar or vodka sprays. The soap also makes the leaves shine, making it easier to see what you’ve sprayed.

How To Prevent Wild Violet From Growing In Your Lawn

Preventing wild violets from taking over your lawn begins with fostering a robust and healthy turf. Wild violets thrive in weak, undernourished lawns, so the key is to create an environment that’s more conducive to grass than to weeds. Here are targeted strategies to keep your lawn violet-free:

  • Optimal Lawn Health: Ensure your grass is lush and vigorous by following a regular fertilization schedule tailored to your lawn’s specific needs. Use a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer to provide a steady supply of nutrients, which helps in establishing a dense turf that outcompetes wild violets.
  • Proper Mowing Practices: Mow your lawn at the highest recommended setting for your grass type. Taller grass not only shades the soil, reducing the germination of violet seeds, but also promotes deeper root growth, enhancing drought resistance. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blade at a time to prevent stress on the lawn.
  • Watering Wisely: Overwatering encourages the moist soil conditions preferred by wild violets. Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth of the grass. Aim for about an inch of water per week, either from rainfall or irrigation, and water in the early morning to reduce evaporation and fungal diseases.
  • Enhancing Soil Conditions: Conduct a soil test to identify and correct any imbalances in pH or nutrient levels. Wild violets often favor acidic soil, so applying lime to raise the pH can make the environment less inviting for them. Improving soil drainage can also discourage wild violet growth by preventing waterlogged conditions.

How to Eliminate Wild Violets Without Destroying the Grass?

To get rid of wild violets without damaging the surrounding grass, use a broadleaf herbicide containing Quinclorac. This will selectively kill the violets without affecting the grass. You can also use an herbicide containing 2,4-D to effectively eliminate them.


Wild violets can be annoying in your yard, but you can manage them if you know how. Using weed killers that are made for this job works best to get rid of them. But if you prefer a more natural way, using vinegar or soap mixed with water can help. You can also pull them out by hand, but this will take more work and time.

To keep wild violets out of your lawn make sure to maintain a healthy and robust lawn and avoid overwatering.