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dandelions in the lawn

Dandelions are a pesky type of weed that will return year after year unless the entire 10-inch long taproot is destroyed or removed. This can be difficult to achieve, but it is possible with a few household chemicals and natural methods.

Continue to read to get my best tips on how to get rid of dandelions in your lawn without the use of harsh herbicides. With these methods, you will be able to permanently eliminate dandelions from your lawn.

The best way to remove dandelions in a lawn without damaging the grass is to use Weed Beater Fe. Weed Beater Fe is a naturally occurring iron (FeHEDTA) that is very effective on dandelions, usually it only takes a few hours before you see the effect.

Mix the weed killer with water in a spray bottle and walk around your lawn spraying it onto any dandelions you find. This is the best way to apply it for maximum effectiveness.

How To Get rid of Dandelions In the Lawn

Here’s some of my best tips on how to get rid of dandelions in your lawn without using chemicals.

1. Dandelion Digger

The Dandelion Digger is an essential tool for any home owner with a lawn. This handy tool can help you dig through tough soil and remove those pesky dandelions with ease.

The unique design features a blade at the tip of the handle that helps to slice through roots, making it easier to pull up an entire plant.

Remove dandelions in the lawn

2. Use a Weed Puller

A weed puller is a specialized tool for removing weeds and their roots from the soil with minimal soil disturbance. It works by moving it parallel to the taproot in the soil. It’s simple to raise the entire plant, root and all, from its stronghold with a small pivot.

3. Apply Weed Beater Fe

Weed Beater Fe is made of naturally occurring iron (FeHEDTA) and is safe for both humans and pets.

Many broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions, will be weakened and killed without harming the grass. Because it is naturally occurring, it is safe to seed the same day you apply it.

It’s ideal for going on a walk and remove weeds in your lawn. Every time you mow the lawn, make a tiny batch and zap the weeds as you see them. It’s not ideal for spraying the entire grass, but it’s effective for treating particular weeds. When the grass is not stressed, it operates best in the spring and fall.

4. Use White Vinegar

Harnessing the power of plain vinegar provides a straightforward and eco-friendly way to combat dandelion invasion in your lawn.

The vinegar is rich in acetic acid which acts as a natural herbicide, swiftly attacking dandelions by breaking down their cell structure upon contact. It’s pretty simple to use, simply fill a spray bottle with undiluted vinegar and target the unwelcome dandelions. Make sure to douse both flowers and leaves.

This technique is especially useful for spot treatment, ensuring you precisely eliminate dandelions without harming your grass or other plants.

It’s best to apply the vinegar during dry, sunny weather to maximize the effect, as sunlight accelerates the desiccation process.

5. White Vinegar and Dish Soap

You can also use a combination of horticultural vinegar and dishwashing soap to get rid of dandelions in your lawn without having to use chemical herbicides.

Simply combine four parts vinegar with one part water, and add a splash of dish soap. Pour this concoction into a spray bottle for easy application. The soap in the mixture helps attach it better to the yellow flowers and leaves, which make it an effective alternative to herbicides.

Try and treat dandelions with this mixture on a sunny, dry day to ensure the solution adheres well and is not washed away by rain.

6. Use corn gluten meal

Corn Gluten Meal (CGM) offers a natural approach to preventing dandelions and other weeds from taking over your lawn.

This organic product derived from the corn milling process, serves a dual purpose: it feeds your lawn with its high nitrogen content while also acting as a pre-emergent herbicide.

To effectively prevent weed seeds from sprouting, sprinkle CGM across your lawn in early spring, just as the soil begins to warm up, and consider a second application in the fall for year-round protection.

This method not only keeps your lawn healthy but also maintains its natural beauty without the use of harsh chemicals.

Method Effectiveness Pros Cons
Weed puller Moderate Inexpensive, easy to use Time-consuming, may not remove entire root
Weed Beater Fe Moderate to High Easy to use, no need to touch the weed More expensive, may not be effective on larger dandelions
White vinegar Moderate Inexpensive, easy to use May need multiple applications, can harm other plants
White vinegar and dish soap Moderate to High Inexpensive, easy to use May need multiple applications, can harm other plants
Corn gluten meal Low to Moderate Natural, prevents dandelion seeds from germinating More expensive, may not be effective on existing dandelions

How to Prevent Dandelions From Growing In Your Lawn

After successfully removing dandelions from your lawn, there are practical steps to prevent their return.

Start by spreading corn gluten meal across your lawn in early spring. This natural product prevents dandelion seeds from germinating, effectively stopping new weeds before they start.

Proper lawn maintenance plays a pivotal role too. A well-fertilized, healthy lawn is less inviting to dandelions.

Aim for a lush, dense grass by avoiding too-short trims; keeping your lawn at a height of about three inches can deter dandelions. This height shades the soil, reducing the chance for dandelion seeds to sprout and root.

What is the Best Homemade Dandelion Killer?

The most effective natural method to kill dandelions without using chemicals is a combination of vinegar and dish soap.

This method works by applying a mixture of four parts horticultural vinegar to one part water, with some dish soap, directly onto the dandelions. The acetic acid in the vinegar burns the dandelion’s leaves and roots upon contact, while the dish soap increases the mixture’s adherence to the plant.


By using the right techniques to get rid of dandelions, you can ensure that your lawn stays healthy and beautiful. The natural methods discussed here are all safe and effective ways to eradicate those pesky weeds without harming the environment or your family’s health.

With some regular maintenance, you’ll be able to keep dandelions at bay and enjoy a beautiful, weed-free lawn.